Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Welcome to the SEND section of The Dales Federation of Primary School’s website.
We strive to help every child to embrace, “life in all its fullness” by inspiring them with rich experiences and equipping them with a love of learning. We are a caring and inclusive school, where through quality first teaching and targeted support and interventions, all children are able to reach their potential.
Our school welcomes children of all abilities and strives to develop the full potential of all its children.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCo) are Mrs Jennings and Mrs Cossey. Mrs Jennings and Mrs Cossey work closely with children, staff, parents/carers and Governors to ensure that the needs of children on the SEND register are met and that they are happy and successful.
Happy, successful children embracing ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)
Click on the links below for information about the arrangements for supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at The Dales Federation of Primary Schools.
If you need further information please contact our SENCos, Mrs Gayle Jennings via the Brailsford school office on 01335 360393 or by email: brailsford@thedalesfederation.co.uk
Or Mrs Bonnie Cossey via the Bradley school office on 01335 370292 or by email: bradley@thedalesfederation.co.uk
The Local Offer
The Derbyshire local offer is an information, support and advice service for children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).
It also includes information for parents and carers as well as practitioners and professionals. The local offer provides information on:
· how children and young peoples' needs are identified;
· how their needs are assessed;
· the special educational, health and social care provision;
· opportunities for training and employment;
· support for independent living;
· how provision is funded;
· leisure activities and support groups;
· where you can find more information, advice and support;
· arrangements for travel to and from school and other settings;
· the help available to resolve disagreements.
It provides clear, complete, and up-to-date information about the available provision and how to access it. https://www.localoffer.derbyshire.gov.uk/home.aspx
Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service (DIASS) provides independent information, advice and support to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), as well as their parents and carers. https://www.derbyshireiass.co.uk/home.aspx
Christmas Sensory Survival Kit - May be useful to help families better manage the sensory challenges of the season.
SEND Code of Practice
SEND Guide for Parents and Carers
SEN Provision Map
SEND and Inclusion Policy
Below is some information about Neorohub which is offered for Neurodivergent individuals by Derbyshire Autism Services. Neurohubs is an exciting development resulting from the collaborative initiative known as the Derby and Derbyshire Children's Service Neurodevelopment Pathway.