Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon. 

Our music progression map can be found here. 

Music Curriculum on a Page.pdf

Music Policy

Music Day 2024

Brailsford and Bradley Church of England Primary schools had a whole day devoted to music. Children had the opportunity to listen to professional musicians playing the flute, saxophone, clarinet, recorder, violoncello and piano. Then they attended 6 different workshops to explore singing, tempo, rhythm and musical notation, composition using IT , playing tuned and untuned instruments and listening , responding and appraising different pieces of music from a range of musical genres. The children had their own “Musical passport” to record their journey throughout the day. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all and a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the wonder of music and learn more about music making together. 

Representatives from Derby Cathedral have been coming in to school and working with Austen Class and the after school choir, they put on a concert for their parents and the whole school. 

Choir 2.MOV
Choir 4.MOV
Choir 3.MOV
Choir 1.MOV

Children learn to play a variety of instruments including the guitar, ukulele, drums, piano and brass instruments.

Brailsford EYFS enjoy exploring a range of instruments

The children learn to play a variety of instruments including guitar, ukulele, flute, clarinet, piano and drums

EYFS looking at long and short sounds in Music. (Rhythm, duration and notation)

Children in Year 1 and 2 playing a 2- note repeated pattern to accompany a song.

(Pulse, tempo and playing)

Year 2 and 3 learning about different notes and clapping different rhythms. (Rhythm, duration and notation)

Year 1 and 2 chiildren thinking about texture and timbre using a variety of instruments, including instruments from different countries and cultures.. (Texture and timbre)

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6  children looking at structure and composing with instruments and using ICT.

(Structure and composing)

Year 3,4,5 and 6 children at Bradley School playing a simple melody in time to a beat. (Pulse, tempo and playing.) 

Children in KS2 learn a tuned instrument.

Children learning about a range of composers and musicians made information posters.

(Dynamics and History of Music)

Copy of Bayeaux event

Children from all age groups have opportunities to perform for a range of audiences.

Key Stage 2 Children from Bradley and Pankhurst Class from Brailsford were invited to an event at the Velodrome Derby Arena to play alongside The Halle, an English Symphony Orchestra based in Manchester. 
