
The Dales Federation of Primary Schools Curriculum Statement

Across the schools in The Dales Federation of Primary Schools, we have given much consideration to our curriculum, its content, delivery and the outcomes for our pupils. We seek to attend to the individual needs of the pupils at each of our schools - which will be different to the needs of pupils from other schools. We offer a rich, inspirational curriculum which takes account of the unique context of each of our schools and their individual communities.

Ofsted refer to ‘The Three 'I's: intent, implementation and impact and we interpret this as follows:

● Intent – the extent to which we demonstrate a rich and varied curriculum, set in the context of our schools and their individual communities; a curriculum which is not simply focused on teaching to the tests or achieving good exam results, but enables each child to flourish.

● Implementation – that teachers present all aspects of this rich curriculum (not just English and maths) encouraging discussion and deep engagement of pupils, without an over-concentration on outcomes and with a far greater emphasis on learning processes.

● Impact – that pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the whole curriculum - knowing more, learning more, remembering more. A greater emphasis is placed on the behaviour and attitudes of pupils and their responses to the rich, inspirational curriculum, with a much less ‘single-lens’ approach to data.